Monday, July 27, 2009

my couch

This is my sofa. The center piece of my house. The ONLY piece of my dingy little appartment I thoroughly enjoy. I like that the slip cover is slightly oversized, and that the cushions are slightly worn out. I like that the colors of my quilt and pillows are so vibrant against the green. This is me:) .. So, I thought I would share it with you. Photobucket

Sunday, July 26, 2009


SO IRONIC!!! 6 months ago, I was sitting in the sign room with the lovely Jeeyon, and said to her... "When is someone going to make a really good Alice in Wonderland movie, Tim Burton should make one.."
LO AND BEHOLD!!! Tim Burton makes Alice with Disney!!! Could it get any more 'Abbey?'
haha, watch the preview and rejoice with me! :)
...OK, no one with let me post it here, so just go watch the trailer on youtube.
just type in Alice:))

Friday, July 17, 2009

The Attack!

AHHHH!!! Spiders are now, in cold hard fact, the most horrible living thing on the planet!! I can kill the flies myself!! Come and hear the spider tale I tell!
About 5 minutes ago, I got out of the shower and hopped into bed. (I am waiting for Jon to get home from work) I turned to face the wall and there was the spider from HugeSpidersVille on the wall waiting to greet my wet hair.
Being the brave girl I am, I said, I can handle this!! And ran to the kitchen for a hefty wad of paper towels, squished them in a ball then ran for the spider ready to fulfil my heroic act! As I stuffed the towels down onto the spider, something happened, the Houdini spider somehow escaped my threatening squish!!! (WHAT??!!)
Not once, did this escape artiste' manage, but 5 times!!! As my courage began to turn to weakness and fear, the loathsome eight-legs did something HORRIBLE, in all its unholiness, it JUMPED onto my hand!
In that moment, any ounce of hope and courage of this beast being sent to its maker, exploded to pieces and I let a blood-curling shriek rip through my throat and went into hysterics while the little devil vanished under my bed!! Once I calmed myself, I moved the bed in attempt to find the little creeper, but to no avail. And here I am perched atop my bed, not wanting to sleep, or even to put my head down for fear of the eight-legged beast to take its revenge on me in my sleep. ...really, what would you do.
So, I called my strong and brave shamen in shining shoulder pads (reference to Jon's WOW character) and told him there was an emergency and he needed to come home at once!! He asked what was wrong, so I told him.. and he did not come home. No, there is no happy ending to this tale. Hopefully, I can survive the night...

Wednesday, July 8, 2009


My poor blog, I have neglected it so. In my defense, I don't have much to say, so I will make a little synopsis of what I have been doing with my limited free time:

Last week went to see Linds, Peou, and sweet little Finn, enjoyed myself thoroughly:)) (can't wait to move Linds!)

For the fourth of July, Jon and I went to see The Proposal, which we both enjoyed, I mean predictable, but very fun:)

This week I have been working my fanny off. 40 hours of non-stop bells... one bell, two bell, 3 and 4 bells ringing in my head, even in my dreams!!

Currently, I am shaky from my (seemingly) never-ending headache. Missing mama, as she is on her cruise and I went to collect her mail. And with all thats going on I still feel happy:) Jonny and I have been spending more time together and I so enjoy it:) Even though our opposite shifts make it difficult. I hope everyones day is going well. I miss all my sisters and hope everyone is having a wonderful week :) peace out.