Monday, January 12, 2009

I've Been Sucked In

Well, I have done it now.. I always thought blogging was for (sorry to say it) stuffy, concieted people who wanted nothing more than to drone on about how wonderful they were or how I should feel so incredibly sorry for their sad little lives. Lindsey, Sara, Ang, Mom and Jolene just kicked my (or what I thought was) "cleverly seeing through people" in the butt. Now, I can't wait to see whats new on the list of blogs I cruise through at the end of the day. All you little Inspire-ers, you:) (is that a word Linds? Inspire-ers?)

Hopefully my little brain can muster up the smallest bit of creativity to make something interesting enough for the rest of you to read in this blog-trial-period :)


  1. YAYYYY! I can't wait to read your blogs. I love your writing. :) Welcome to the blogosphere!

  2. Finally! I look forward to what's new in the life of Abbey! :)

  3. forgot to say - love the drawing! it is so you! xxxx

  4. muahaha...
    Welcome to the blog-side. haha!

    Can't wait to see all that you'll do.

  5. welcome aboard Ab, I know we will have fun seeing more of the real you emerge!
