Thursday, January 15, 2009

It is the New Year!

There are a few things I have decided that I would like to accomplish this year. Mabye writing it down, (or typing) will help motivate me even more. Lets hope so:) So, here we go:
The Top 5 Things I must Accoplish This Year!! :)

1. Get scuba certified!! (after all, this is the very best place!)
2. Find an appartment that contains space enough for Me, Jon, and a closet.
3. Go sky-dyving (I know, I stttttiiilll haven't gotten around to it!)
4. At least get enrolled in cosmo school.
5. Be a bit healthier


  1. Wow! Looks like your 2009 is going to be A LOT more exciting than mine. But hey--you're 20. It's supposed to be!

  2. In your acct. settings on twitter, there's a link to add twitter to your blog. Maybe you did that?

  3. remember the snorkeling in the Bahamas? I don't know about scuba, seems a little creepy to breath under water :0P I'm sure you'll have a blast with it. Yahoo for more space, then maybe you can get that 4 legged friend? Although I dreamed you were pregnant last night!

  4. Scuba diving would be fun, but I'd prefer warmer waters... just me though. It would be awesome to go out and see what's under all that kelp out there!

  5. more space sounds happy and being healthy is a great idea to counteract the unhealthy jumping from 10000 feet! i have always been afraid of exploding whislt scuba diving but you might like it. :)
